the intro | the site | the kingdom | the mobs | the exp
The Site
The Staff
If you've any trouble around the site, feel free to contact the staff. If you're interested in becoming a staff member, PM the Admin account with a home-made application. Depending on various things, you may or may not be accepted.

Miss Systematic, head admin and coder and do-everything-herself-er because she's got a penchant for independence.
plays the characters ---
ONE. Simply be kind and respectful to everyone. That's pretty easy to do, right?
TWO. We expect that even outside of roleplay you try your best to use decent grammar. This means no chatspeak is allowed.
THREE. Make sure to be active. If you plan to be gone for extended periods of time, it's courteous to let the site know.
ONE. The site is account per character. You need one account for each character you play.
TWO. Characters may have a first name and a middle name, however, last names are the name of the mob the character is in currently. It is not necessary to have a middle name.
THREE. Your account display name must be the first name of your character.
FOUR. You may be denied from a mob. If you have been denied, you will be notifiedd as to why.
FIVE. Fur colors and eye colors must be realistic. Unusual fur colors must be purchased through the store.
SIX. Signatures must not be excessively long. Be reasonable.
SEVEN. Avatars must bee 150 x 150 for the time being.
EIGHT. There is a limit of 3 characters per person. Additional characters must be purchased.
Making Your Character
Once you have created your account, go to your profile and edit it. Under the PROFILE tab, you’ll find various character-related fields that you must fill out. Note that you must also fill out these fields on a post with this template and post it on the Border Grounds. The template reflects fields from the profile. What you fill in the profile should be identical to what you fill in for the template.
After you post, you must wait for staff approval before you begin roleplay.

NOTE: Due to bug issues with the custom profile fields in V5, the fields of other profiles will not show up. Only you are able to view your profile (when staff edit profiles they are able to see what is filled in on the fields). Make sure to still fill in the fields for when the bug is fixed.

The profile fields are explained below:
MOB NAME, CHARACTER NAME: the subject for posting, allows mob leaders to know which mob you're applying for. If no mob, write "mobless".
FULL NAME: first and middle (if applicable) name of your character, do not add mob surname to this field GENDER: the gender of your character
MOB: the mob you are applying for
RANK: the rank you are applying for
BIRTHDAY: (season, year) refer to the time system for further clarification
BIRTHMOB: the mob your character was born into (if born on-site), otherwise fill in with "unknown"
PLAYED BY: what you want people to call you
PERSONALITY: your character's personality, at least 200 words
APPEARANCE: your character's apperance, at least 150 words
PAST: your character's history, at least 200 words
RELATIONS: relatives of your character
Roleplay Rules
ONE. Sins and Sunburns is a literate roleplay. Try to use your best grammar at all times and create well thought out posts.
TWO. The roleplay is semi-realistic. This allows for personification, talking, and like-wise. Mobs are allowed to have ulterior motives or specific systems of beliefs, like a moral code.
THREE. Quality is more important than quantity when it comes to post lenghts. Make sure to give other roleplayers something to reply to, thousand word posts about a character's inner dialouge doesn't make for the best roleplaying.
FOUR. However, as a general rule, posts should not be under 200 words.
FIVE. The site uses liquid time. This allows one character to be in multiple active threads at once, however, the max amount of active threads per character is 3.
SIX. Godmodding (being invincible), powerplay (controlling characters that aren't yours), and mary-sues/gary-stus (perfect characters) are not allowed.
SEVEN. Do not used meerkat modified "wolf-speak" (the use of words to mean something that they do not, such as "pelt" for fur, and "tassel" for tail.)
EIGHT. All posts must be made in third person and past tense for uniformity reasons.
NINE. Due to proboard’s TOS, all content must be PG-13 or under.
TEN. If you create a thread on a territory of a rival mob, any member of the rival mob may join the thread.
Ranking Rules
ONE. The two ranks in the mob are dominant and subordinate. There are two dominants, which are the mating pair of the mob. Pups are still considered subordinate.
TWO. Players of the dominant female and dominant male are responsible for updating their mob page.
THREE. Only the dominant female is allowed to accept new members.
FOUR. A player is allowed one dominant character unless purchased in shop.
FIVE. Dominants must be a year old, and subordinates must be a year old to challenge for dominance.
Fight Rules
Becareful with your meerkats! It's a dangerous world. Your character may be killed without your permission in certain situations!

ONE. Mob to mob fight interactions (burrow raids, territory invasions, mob wars) require at least 3 participants from each mob. It is required for each mob to have at least 10 posts before a winner can be judged.
TWO. Within each mob, the Experience Points of each individual will be added to the mob's Experience Points. A random number generator will then be consulted and a number from 1-100 will be chosen twice and added to the total. The mob with the highest total wins the battle.
THREE. If the mob that wins was defending, they keep their territory and the losing mob must retreat. If the mob that wins was attacking, they win the territory and the losing mob must flee.
FOUR. Luck can be purchased in order to help in fights. Within a mob, per each luck of the member, a random number generator will be used to choose a number between 1-50 and will be added to the mob total.
FIVE. It is also possible to choose which mob wins and loses a fight if the players of the dominant females and males all agree, and at least one of the members participating per side.
SIX. If the total difference between mobs is greater than 150, the character in the winning mob with the highest individual total may kill the character of the losing mob with the lowest total without player approval.

ONE. For standard fights, each individual must have 10 posts before a fight can be judged.
TWO. The experience points will be used to judge a fight. Each individual gets a bonus of a number from 1-50 added with their Experience Points. Whichever individual has the most wins the fight.
THREE. Luck can be purchased in order to help in fights. A number from 1-20 will be chosen from a number generator per each luck an individual has, and then added on to the total.
FOUR. It is also possible to choose who wins and loses a fight between members, so long as both parties agree.
FIVE. If difference between total points is greater than 100, the winner may kill the loser without player approval.

ONE. Eviction occurs similarly to a fight. Each party needs 5 posts and gets a number from 1-30 to add to their Experience Points.
TWO. Dominants can evict subordinates if there is a total difference of 50 Experience Points and the dominant has the larger amount.
THREE. Subordinates can evict subordinates if there is a total difference of 150 Experience Points and the initiator has the larger amount. This is a very rare occurance. Subordinates should be careful with such displays of authority as they can come with consequences from those actually in charge.
FOUR. Dominants may not be evicted by subordinates without a dominant title challenge.
FIVE. Evicted meerkats may rejoin the mob or join another mob at the dominant female's discretion.

ONE. A character must have a total of 50 EXP to challenge a dominant. A dominant with immunity cannot be challenged.
TWO. Standard Individual to Individual fight rules then apply.
THREE. Eviction may occur if the difference between total points is 70 or greater.