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The Mobs
Current Mobs
name, name
0 Members
name, name
0 Members
Mobs are groups of meerkats, a highly essential feature for meerkat survival. Mob structure in the rolepaly mimics real mob structure and though certain unrealistic elements are included, the structure will always remain the same.
Meerkats are led by a dominant, breeding pair. All other meerkats in the mob are subordinate and are not allowed to breed. Within a mob, there are various jobs or tasks that meerkats perform for the sake of the mob such as watching for predators or babysitting pups. These are not permament tasks and each meerkat participates in these jobs on and off for the benefit of the mob.
Coaltions are groups of meerkats, not officially a mob with an established dominant pair. Coalitions can be of rovers, usually led by the most experienced male, or be of a group of meerkats looking to become a mob. All mobs start as coalitions.
A few difference between the two in roleplay include:
- Coalitions do not own territory.
- Coalttions do not have dominants.
- Roving coalitions may have a lead male.
- Coalitions have less than 7 members. (If a mob drops below seven, it is still considered a mob.)
- Coaltions do not have experience points. This means they cannot win against mobs, but they can engage in fight.
Splinter Groups
A splinter group is a portion of a mob that has been separated from the rest of the mob. The splinter is the smaller half and may include dominants. A splinter can be temporary or can eventually evolve into a new mob.

ONE. A splinter must have at least 6 members from the original mob to be a splinter.
TWO. If the splinter remains seperated for 1 season, it must apply to become a mob. The splinter still must find unclaimed territory.
THREE. If the splinter wants to become a mob, it must have a dominant female as well as claimed territory.
FOUR. Splinters do not have mob points and like coalitions, they cannot win against mobs but can engage.
Becoming A Mob
ONE. To create a mob, PM the staff account Sunburns (admin) with the form below filled out.
TWO. Mobs must have 7 or more characters over 1 year old to be formed. A female must be dominant.
THREE. The coalition must have a thread in which they claim a territory. This territory claim finalizes the formation into a mob. (The dominant female must already be established.)
FOUR. The territory cannot be already claimed.
FIVE. A user may only have one character in a mob-in-progress
SIX. Each mob has a unique hexcode color to represent it. Make sure to pick one for the new mob.
SEVEN. In addition, every mob has a sub-board burrow. It's required you give details for the sub-board to be created.

When it comes to choosing which meerkat of the coalition will become dominant, a thread must be created where dominance is seen being solidified. Dominance challenges are required to settle disputes between characters that want to try out for the position. The process may have to occur multiple times depending on how many challengers there are.
FORMATION DESCRIPTION: (how the group was formed)
MOB DESCRIPTION: (any particular disposition, beliefs, and so on)
BURROW DESCRIPTION: (for sub-board)